A funeral banquet scene
Los 251
THRACE. Bizya. Marcus Aurelius, as Caesar, 139-161. Diassarion (Orichalcum, 26 mm, 9.29 g, 7 h), circa 147-161. Μ ΑYΡΗΛΙΟϹ ΟYΗΡΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ Bare head of Marcus Aurelius to right. Rev. BIZY-HNΩN Funeral banquet scene: A male reclining left on couch, extending his right hand to a female sitting before him; small table before couch; to left, small male figure standing right under a tree from which hangs a cuirass, placing his right hand in an amphora; to right, forepart of a horse standing left with right foreleg raised; above, oval shield. Jurukova, Bizye 18. RPC IV.1 online 3902. Very rare and with a very interesting reverse. Patina stripped, otherwise, nearly extremely fine.

The reverse of this interesting issue has been interpreted to show the myth of the Thracian King Tereus being served, by his wife Prokne, the corpse of their son Itys, or, alternatively, Asklepios and Hygieia. However, the scene is most reminiscent of funeral banquets, as they are commonly found on Greek and Roman tomb steles: the deceased is reclining on a kline and is being served by his wife and a smaller slave in a tunic, with the armor and warhorse indicating that he must have been a famous warrior or hero
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